Child photography

Harper 2 Years Old

Glitter for the win! Harper hung out with me for a 2 year photo shoot a couple weeks back.  She may not have been too into the whole picture taking thing but she sure did love the glitter.  Of course she didn’t need to be on board for pictures because she rocked it anyway.  I honestly like when the little ones don’t just stand and smile, I love when I can capture their true personality!  Harper is a beauty and I had a great time with her.


Child photography, Photo challenge


Haven’t posted in about a week and have done some serious slacking.  For some reason this was just not my week.  Nothing bad has happened, I just have had zero motivation.  That being said I have not done well with pictures.  I did get some new presets and have been playing around with them but haven’t taken my camera out much.  Bad I know.

I took some and have added them below.  To try and help bring back motivation I found a new photo idea list that goes through the alphabet.  I think this could be fun and help me think out of the box more.  I started today and will post today’s picture and hopefully tomorrows sometime tomorrow night!


Child photography

Black and White

I love black and white! Honestly a lot of times it is my go-to edit.  Now that I am taking professional pictures I am doing a lot less black and white and trying to stick with color.  Color pictures are great, I love color I really do but you just got to love a good black and white.  Also a little photography tip, it is a great fall back edit.  I often get pictures that are too dark so end up grainy, pictures where I can’t get the color right or the colors are just blending too much.  Turn that picture to a black and white and not only does it cover what you can’t fix but it makes it a whole new picture! It’s amazing. I thought since I have been doing so many color pictures I would give my black and white some love and have a little fun with it!

*Not only do I like black and white but I apparently really like taking pictures of kids looking down!! HAHA

Photo challenge

24-26/365 Day Challenge

I did a little better this week.  I think splitting it up and posting every couple days helps a lot!  Here is what I took the last couple days.  Honestly I still didn’t get them all, day 27-28 are nonexistent 😦

24: Cruise- this guy was just cruising down the sidewalk, walking in the puddle.DSC_0987

25: Fresh – nothing better than a fresh cup of coffee in the morning


26: Imagination –  she was excited about this rock, and the background is pretty cool!  Oh she had her face painted like Hello Kitty


Photo challenge

Photo Challenge Week 3

Ehh  I did bad this week.  I know I keep saying it but life gets busy.  One day I will take a bunch of pictures and the next I don’t touch my camera.  I know the point of this challenge is to pick up my camera daily but sometimes it just isn’t possible.

That being said, at least the few I did take I am really happy with.

The first day challenge was car followed by red.  I thought I would take a picture of my red car and see what I was able to get the next day, car or red.  Well I ended up taking the picture and just loving it as black and white so Car it was.  Unfortunately I never did red 😦
This car picture has become one of my favorite pictures, I just love it!


Here are some more I took this week. Enjoy!!



Family, Portfolio

My parents

This was a very exciting weekend for me as I did a few different shoots.  They were mainly of my family and didn’t go as planned but I did get some good shots.

I plan to put up the “sneak peaks” of my photo sessions throughout the week but I had to start off with my parents.  My younger sister and I had our kids at my parents house this weekend so we decided to take a few pictures of my parents with our kiddos and I wanted to get some pictures of my parents together as well.  A lot of years ago we took family pictures and they captured an amazing picture of my parents together.  They both looked so happy and my  mom had the smile my dad loves so much.  My parents have the picture in their house and my dad always talks about how much he loves it.

As I was taking pictures of them this weekend I was hoping I could capture a picture as good as that one we all love so much.  After going through their pictures I am unbelievably pleased because I may have caught a picture even better than the one so many years ago.  As I looked at this picture after I finished editing it (in black and white since it is my Dad’s favorite) I had tears in my eyes.  For me, this picture says so much.  These are my parents, exactly how I think of them, happy, full of life and love.  If this picture doesn’t say LOVE I don’t know what does.  There is so much love in this picture, they way they are looking at each other, its undeniable.  It brings happy tears to my eyes because I know how much they go through every day with the stresses of us kids, their business that they own together and just life.  This picture makes it seem like none of that exists, it shows that despite all of those stresses, they still love each other more than anything.  I’ve said it before but this is why I love photography, moments like this, moments that sometimes don’t show very often but that can be captured and remembered forever.


Child photography, Portfolio

Day 5 Photo Challenge: Black and White

Black and white, there isn’t much to say about this one.  I personally love black and white.  Not every picture makes a good black and white though and that is what this challenge was about. To make a good black and white you need a picture that has true black and true whites.  One that is in between just turns grey and dull.

I tried something a little different with this picture.  Not only did I do the black and white but I re-visited the negative space again and added in my watermark just to try it out.  I’m really happy with how this turned out!
